
Free the will

When your will to be free
is the only prison left,
what will you do?
Can you set that will free?
You will never be free,
but can you let it be?
Can you be the free will?

8 kommentarer:

Cardamom Kisses sa...


Visa Vägen sa...

Isn't it funny that the answer to any question concerning "I" is always both yes and no? And neither is a true answer...


Anton Larson sa...

Thank you Magdalena!

Svante, it is funny, but this isn't just concerning "I" is it? The way I see it, it has much to do with the whole nature of language. Nothing formulated in a language can ultimately be true.

However my questions in the little text above are not really meant to be answered. At least not using language. Such answers are short cuts that turns into a dead ends.

Anonym sa...

"When your will to be free
is the only prison left"

lol wut?

Anton Larson sa...

There's no freedom in wanting freedom.

Visa Vägen sa...

Jag håller med dig till fullo, Anton: Sanningen kan aldrig någonsin uttryckas i ord - och det gäller inte bara de ord som kretsar kring ordet "jag". Men "jag" är ett "kraftfullt" ord, vilket du visar med dina frågeformuleringar.

Har jag därmed sagt sanningen?

Nä. :-)


Anton Larson sa...

Jodå Svante! Någonstans där mellan raderna gömmer den sig. :)

Visa Vägen sa...

